How Does it work?

 Per Diem Pay

Understand the Benefits of Per Diem Pay.


The Advantages of Per Diem Pay

Per diem pay offers several advantages for both employers and employees:

  1. Efficient Expense Management: A fixed daily allowance streamlines expense reporting and reimbursement processes, eliminating the need for individual receipts, saving time, and reducing administrative burden.
  2. Cost Control: Employers can establish per diem rates according to industry norms and living costs in various areas. This enhances oversight of travel expenditures and curtails excessive spending.
  3. Per diem pay can be tax-free for employees if it stays within the federal per diem rate, leading to substantial tax savings for both employees and employers.
  4. Demonstrate commitment to employee well-being by providing per diem pay, reducing financial stress associated with business travel, and enhancing morale and productivity.

Developing Per Diem Protocols

Implementing per diem policies is crucial to ensure fair and consistent treatment of employees. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Master Per Diem Rates: Set the standard rates by researching industry norms and consulting with financial experts.
  2. Define Employee Eligibility: Clearly outline which employees are eligible for per diem pay and under what circumstances. This may involve employees traveling overnight or working away from their regular place of business for an extended period.
  3. Expense Documentation: Keeping track of expenses, like requiring staff to retain receipts for meals and lodging. This guarantees transparency and prevents deceitful claims.
  4. Instruction on the communication and training of the per diem policy is necessary to ensure compliance and reduce confusion among employees.


Embrace per diem pay to manage work-related expenses and support employees during business travel. Implement effective policies to streamline expense management and create a positive work environment. Benefit from simplified reimbursement processes and potential tax savings. It's a win-win for all.

Per diem pay is a common practice in many industries, providing employees with a daily allowance to cover certain expenses while they are away from home for work. But what exactly does per diem cover? Let's take a closer look.

Meals: One of the most common costs covered by per diem pay is meals. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks or coffee breaks. So, whether you're enjoying a hearty breakfast to start your day or grabbing a quick bite during a busy work schedule, per diem can help cover these expenses.
Lodging: Another important aspect of per diem pay is lodging. Whether you're staying in a hotel room, a short-term rental, or any other type of accommodation required for your work trip, per diem can help cover the costs. This may also include taxes or fees like resort charges, ensuring that you have a comfortable place to rest during your time away.
Incidentals: Per diem pay can also cover various incidental costs that may arise during your work trip. This can include transportation to and from your place of work, parking fees, and even laundry services. These additional expenses can quickly add up, but per diem provides a convenient way to offset these costs.
While per diem pay is designed to cover a range of expenses, there are some costs that are typically not reimbursed. It's important to be aware of these exceptions to avoid any misunderstandings. Some examples of costs that are typically not reimbursed include personal expenses unrelated to work, entertainment expenses, and non-work-related travel expenses.
  • Simplify Expense Tracking
  • Control Costs and Compliance
  • Attract and Retain Talent
  • Reduce Administrative Workload
  • Financial Predictability
  • Flexibility
  • Reduced Documentation
  • Potential Tax Advantages

In some cases, per diem payments may be considered non-taxable income, depending on the specific circumstances and applicable tax laws. This can provide employees with potential tax advantages, as they may not have to include per diem payments in their taxable income. It's important for employees to consult with a tax professional or refer to the relevant tax laws to determine if they qualify for any tax benefits related to per diem payments.